The Sparkle Blog


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How to Get Paid What You Are Worth As A Freelancer freelancer media Jun 10, 2024

When you take the leap into a freelancer career, putting a dollar amount to your skills can be pretty daunting. Are you not charging enough and underselling yourself and your value? Or are you...

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7 Things You Should Do To Thrive As A Freelancer freelancer media Jun 10, 2024

Saying goodbye to the 9 to 5, working independently when you want, how much you want, from anywhere in the world you want, with the clients you want—sounds like the dream, right?

For millions...

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Women’s jobs platform deploys AI tech to speed up the hiring process media Jun 10, 2024

There’s a global talent shortage so what’s the solution? Freelancing Gems says we need more women in the workforce, as soon as possible.

Currently, it takes 42.2 days to place...

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Everything You Need To Know About Superannuation If You’re A Freelancer freelancer superannuation Jun 07, 2024

Is your retirement on your mind? Yeah us neither most of the time, but it should be. What about if we put it this way: your superannuation is probably one of the biggest investments you will ever...

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Empowering Women In The Workplace Is Everyone’s Job—Here’s One Step You Can Take media urban list Jun 07, 2024

This article was first published in Urban List.

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Has 'Burnout' At Work Replaced 'Busy' As The New Badge Of Success? burnout media success survey urban list work Jun 07, 2024

Freelancing Gems with Urban List have conducted a survey of over 8,000 people exploring The New Work* Order—which revealed that 82% of respondents believe they have experienced burnout at...

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