Ready to make more money and take your freelance business to the next level? 

The Freelancer Success Roadmap online course is now open!

As seen in

Ready to make more money and take your freelance business to the next level? 

The Freelancer Success Roadmap online course is now open!


Any of these sound familiar?

You’re now running your own show, so what are your services really worth and what will clients pay?

Putting a dollar figure on your skills can be pretty daunting, leaving you to question if you’re charging enough, too much or underselling yourself and your value.

Finding and securing clients is a massive challenge.

You started off with a few referral clients, which kept you busy for a while, but now your pipeline is drying up and you’ve never had to market yourself before. Where do you even start?

The freedom of freelancing means you no longer enjoy a stable income, and instead ride the rollercoaster of project and contract-based work.

The peaks are great, but how do you reduce the troughs and balance out your income?

You’ve been dabbling with your passion on the side of your 9-5 corporate job.

You want to take the leap, leave your corporate job before and get serious about your freelancing business. But can you afford it? How many clients can you handle? And, when will you start making serious money?


Imagine how it will feel when...

📈  You're earning your own money, and you decide how to spend and invest it.

💰  You're running your own business, on your own terms, and earning more now doing work you love.

💎  You're working with dream clients on projects that align with your values and passion every day.

📆  Your work is truly flexible, with complete autonomy to increase and pull back when you wish.

We know that women in freelancing typically charge up to 50% less than their male counterparts.


We created this course to help you build a business that turns a profit.



Whether you’re just starting, or scaling to 6-figures, this eight-week course shows you exactly how to build a business that turns a profit.


What’s the secret sauce to a 6-figure freelancing business? 

It usually comes down to having a well-developed strategy to follow and the systems and processes in place to support your business growth. 

We have supported hundreds of women to build and scale their businesses, and with each experience, we’ve built the ideal formula for creating a successful, money-making business. This course will step you through the structures, systems and strategies you need to create a sustainable freelancing business, with room to grow. 

You have so much knowledge and expertise to share and you’ve taken the big bold step in packaging it into a business that you KNOW will make an impact and deliver on your career goals.

Now – it’s time for you to GET RESULTS!

Whether you’re just starting out or scaling to 6-figures, we are here to empower you with the tools and confidence to build a profitable freelancing business.

When you sign up, you’ll join a community of women who will be there to hold your hand and keep you accountable to action the steps it takes to grow your business.


Don’t spend another year wishing you had taken the necessary steps to build your business.

You just have to be ready to invest in your future, stop hesitating and believe that you’re worth it.

If you’re ready to build your freelancing business and make some money, then enrol now.

Are you ready to make some money? 

When you enrol, you unlock access to:

The complete Freelancer Success Roadmap 8-module program

The tools and confidence to build a profitable freelancing business

Exclusive community discussion group to keep you accountable


Business plan


Rate calculator

Marketing plan checklist

Social media templates

Business pipeline list

 Biz pipeline spreadsheet

Action plan


Charging your worth money masterclass

Business cashflow basics money masterclass

Hi, we’re Fleur and Kirsty,
business mentors and strategists.

We guess you came here because you are looking for meaningful, flexible work, you want to redefine your 9 to 5, maybe start your own consulting biz, or take your side hustle to the next level…well then you have come to the right place at Freelancing Gems.

In the last few years, we have grown Freelancing Gems to support thousands of freelancers and employers and helped hundreds of women start and scale their freelancing businesses. 

As co-founders, we are passionate about the future of work for women and ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed in their careers. 

In 2020, we started Freelancing Gems as a jobs board for women to find flexible work. After years of sourcing meaningful work opportunities for women, we discovered that the area where we can make the most impact for women is business coaching. Today, Freelancing Gems supports women to build and grow flexible businesses with our digital courses and coaching programs covering all stages of business, from building to growing and scaling.

We know that women in freelancing typically charge up to 50% less than their male counterparts. We created The Freelancer Success Roadmap online course to provide a simple and practical step-by-step proven formula to empower you with the tools to set your freelancing business up for success, and the confidence to charge what you’re worth.

The Freelancer Success Roadmap online course is now open! If you’re ready to make more money then join the course now.

Yours in freelance,

Fleur and Kirsty

You might be thinking...

"It’s been a bit quiet in my business, I don’t know if I can afford it right now."

For less than $100/week, you'll gain access to over 38 video lessons of learning, plus all the business tools and templates you need and bonus masterclasses, and community support to keep you accountable. Where else can you invest just $100/week in your business and gain access to so much value with the potential to increase your profits?

"I’ve been freelancing for a few years now and have an established business, but need to grow. Is this course for beginners or will it help me?"

This is the perfect course for the established freelancer ready to take their business to the next level. Review and reset your foundations to ensure you're set up for success, analyse your current services and rates to discover where you can make more money, perfect your pitching skills to win more work, get to work on building your business pipeline and create a financial forecast to put yourself on the path to financial success.

"I’m already stretched as it is, I don’t think I can find the time."

If not now, then when is the right time to grow your business and make more money? Don’t spend another year staying in the same position you are now. Delivered in short bite-sized weekly modules, you can work at your own pace, devouring the course in 8 days, 8 weeks or 8 months. You gain 12 months of access to the course so you can choose your own adventure.

Don’t spend another year wishing you had taken the necessary steps to build your business.

You just have to be ready to invest in your future, stop hesitating and believe that you’re worth it.


Ready to make more money and take your freelancing business to the next level?

Enrol in the Freelancer Success Roadmap course now! 



MOST POPULAR - Save $171




Get started today for less


What's inside the Freelancer Success Roadmap

The Freelancer Success Roadmap online course is an eight-week self-paced program for the woman who is ready to turn her passion project into a profitable business and make more money. It is your complete step-by-step guide to building a successful business, without the isolation, uncertainty or self-doubt. 

Here are the modules covered in the program:

Module One: The Plan

In this module, we’ll get to work on building your business plan and service offering. Lessons include:
  • Creating a business plan
  • Defining your services
  • Your unique selling point
  • Who is your target audience?
  • Who are your competitors?

Module Two: Looks That Kill

In this module, we’ll unpack all the steps you need to take to create a killer brand identity. Lessons include:
  • Setting your business vision and mission
  • Building your brand look and feel
  • Crafting your story
  • Becoming an opinion leader and expert

Module Three: The Foundations

In this module, we will run through the steps to ensure your freelancing business is set up correctly from the start. Lessons include:
  • Selecting your business structure
  • Finding a business name
  • Securing your ABN and business registration

Module Four: The Unsexy (But Essential) Stuff

In this module, we’ll unpack all of the essential elements of your business set-up, from superannuation to taxes, insurance and contracts. Lessons include:
  • Why you need to pay your superannuation
  • Business tax and GST considerations
  • Planning your business expenses
  • Protecting your business with insurance
  • What you need in your contract agreement

Module Five: Show Me The Money

In this module, we’ll unpack how to charge what you’re worth. Lessons include:
  • Calculating your hourly rate
  • Your payment structures
  • Negotiation tips
  • Payment terms and conditions
  • Cash flow basics

Module Six: The Fun Part

In this module, we’ll get to work on the fun part, marketing your business to the masses! Lessons include:
  • Perfecting your elevator pitch
  • Why you need a website
  • Getting the most out of social media
  • How to build your email list
  • Raising your profile with PR

Module Seven: The Secret Sauce

In this module, we’ll get your sales pipeline flowing with all the actions you need to take to win new work. Lessons include:
  • How to build your pipeline
  • The power of networking
  • Nailing your sales process
  • Top tips for winning and keeping clients
  • Building your business development gameplan

Module Eight: You're Ready!

This is it, you’ve done the work, made it to the final module, and you’re well on your way to building a profitable freelancing business. Lessons include:
  • Creating a realistic business forecast
  • When to go full-time freelance
  • Creating an action plan

Imagine having all of this under control...

Putting a dollar figure on your skills is daunting, leaving you to question if you’re charging enough, too much or underselling yourself and your value.

You’ve now gained the confidence and skills to charge what you’re worth. You’re earning your own money and you decide how you want to spend it and invest it.

Your sales pipeline is drying up and you’ve never had to market yourself before. Where do you even start?

With the sales training you have gained, you’re now working with clients you’ve dreamed of, on projects that feel aligned with your values, and working on your passion each and every day.

Balancing your monthly income is a massive struggle. The peaks are great, but how do you reduce the troughs and balance out your income?

You have established a sustainable business model and forecast so you know what’s ahead. You now understand when to expect the peaks and troughs and how best to use them for success.

You want to take the leap into freelancing and leave your corporate job. But can you afford it? How many clients can you handle? And, when will you start making serious money?

With the cashflow skills and confidence in your numbers and forecast, you now running your own business on your own terms, and on your way to earning more money doing work you love.

Don't just take our word for it...

Freelancing Gems has been an essential lifeline for me in my first year of business as a freelancer. I owe a lot of my business growth to them!

I highly recommend to anyone starting out as a freelancer, or a seasoned freelancer looking for expert support.

Caroline Attwood, Photographer

I joined Freelancing Gems in mid-2022 and I have loved being part of such a wonderful community of like-minded freelancers and entrepreneurs.

It's a truly supportive group and the templates and resources are incredibly useful. Highly recommend joining.

Bec Sands, Marketer

Freelancing Gems has been a game-changer for me as I start my freelancing journey. 

The community is supportive, the team are responsive and it's given me another avenue to explore as a freelancer.

Kim Campbell

Everything you need is right here:

40+ video lessons of learning, offering the tools and confidence you need to build a successful business


All our templates and checklists:

  • Business plan template
  • Branding workbook 
  • Rate calculator template
  • Marketing plan template
  • Social media templates
  • Business pipeline workbook
  • Business pipeline spreadsheet
  • Action plan checklist


PLUS these bonuses

12 months access to the complete Freelancer Success Roadmap course


Lifetime access to the exclusive community discussion group


Two x 60-minute BONUS masterclasses to boost your money knowledge


What's my investment?

What is it costing you to not invest in your business?

We don't want you to look back in 12 months from now when you're still scrambling for clients, wondering what could have been if only you had taken action. 

You just have to be ready to invest in your future, stop hesitating and believe that you’re worth it.

If you’re ready to build your freelancing business and make some money, then enrol now.


  • 40+ self-paced training lessons (valued at $797)
  • All our time-saving templates and checklists (valued at $1377)
  • BONUS 1: 12-months of access to the complete Freelancer Success Roadmap 8-module online course (valued at $1297)
  • BONUS 2: Lifetime access to the exclusive community discussion group (for the lifetime of the course) (priceless)
  • BONUS 3: A 60-minute masterclass on how to charge what you're worth with Meggie Palmer, Founder of PepTalkHer (valued at $97)
  • BONUS 4: A 60-minute masterclass on mastering cashflow basics with Jo Burston, CEO of Rare Birds (valued at $97)










7 Day Money Back Guarantee

We are confident in the value of this course and we want you to feel just as confident and excited about making this investment in yourself. That's why we offer a 7-day money-back guarantee.

If you do the first 7 days of work and decide we haven't delivered on a quality program, we will refund your money (minus any transaction fees).

So your investment is 100% risk-free.

Are you still wondering, "Is the course right for me?"

I've been freelancing or consulting for a few years and still working on the right formula for my business.
I've got a side hustle that I want to take full-time.
I'm currently working for someone else, but I'm ready to take the leap and start freelancing.
I’m ready to re-enter the workforce, but my old corporate 9-5 life is no longer for me. I need a flexible career.

If you answered, "Yes, that's me" to any one of the above, then you've come to the right place. 

Congratulations on making the decision to take control of your career, unlock your potential and build a business on your own terms.

We are so excited to get started with you.


Have more questions?

Ready to make more money and take your freelancing business to the next level?

Then this is the course for you.



Earnings disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide, however, results may vary. Success in freelancing requires dedication, effort, and ongoing learning. The Freelancer Success Roadmap course provides educational content and support but does not guarantee specific outcomes. By continuing to use our site and access our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or services.